We’ve recorded a new, short video to help you prepare a speech about your book. Click here to watch!
Speaking about your “current book” is one of the best ways for others to know about it.
Speaking about your “future book” is how people will get excited about it.
So you can speak about your book whether or not it’s written or published.
Think about it … your current speech IS a future book. Your current book IS a speech!
So start writing and start speaking. There’s nothing holding you back except … well, you!
The GOOD NEWS is that we can help you with both writing and speaking.
In this short video, we’re sharing tips to help you do just that – prepare for a dynamic speech. Although the content is focused on professional speaking, you will learn several important strategies that should be integrated for any speech about your book.
For those of you who are already speaking, you’ll learn extraordinary tips to enhance your speaking business as well.
Click here, or the image below, to watch our short video. Enjoy!
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